ResultsOHIO Initiative Draws Support from Across Ohio
Experts in areas ranging from health care to business are rallying around legislation to create the ResultsOHIO fund, Treasurer Robert Sprague’s innovative proposal to tackle Ohio’s most pressing challenges through a pay for success model.
Here’s what they’re saying:
Pat Tiberi, President & CEO, Ohio Business Roundtable:
"Not every societal issue requires a new government program or an additional lift on the part of Ohio taxpayers. By using the power of market forces and the private sector, ResultsOHIO incentivizes smart spending on the challenges facing Ohio and measures the results of that spending to ensure successful outcomes. ResultsOHIO is innovative, it’s entrepreneurial, and it will be another tool for Governor DeWine and the legislature to tackle any number of issues impacting Ohio's people, its communities, and its businesses."
Nick Lashutka, President & CEO, Ohio Children’s Hospital Association:
“The Ohio Children’s Hospital Association applauds Treasurer Sprague's initiative to support programs that have proven to be effective and deliver results and strong return on investment to benefit all Ohioans. In working toward our mission to advocate in partnership with our patients, families and communities for continuous child health improvement, we create and support programs that are evidence-based and results-driven. With a focus on challenges such as child health, infant mortality, addiction, early childhood education preparedness and workforce training, we believe Treasurer Sprague’s ‘ResultsOHIO’ will help to identify and amplify programs and partnerships that follow these same principles to promote best outcomes for Ohioans, including our state's children.”
Adam Sharp, Executive Vice President, Ohio Farm Bureau:
“As businesspersons, farmers always want to see proof of performance before investing their money; applying that same expectation to state tax dollars is sound public policy. Productivity on farms is driven by ingenuity and hard work and when government rewards individual accomplishment, entire communities benefit. Treasurer Sprague’s ResultsOHIO program will drive measurable improvements in environmental protection, infrastructure, economic development, addiction challenges and many other crucial issues challenging rural Ohio.”
Shannon Jones, Executive Director, Groundwork Ohio:
“Groundwork Ohio applauds Treasurer Sprague’s commitment to support innovative strategies deeply grounded in evidence to address some of the greatest challenges facing our communities at a time where public resources are limited. By bringing together the strengths and resources of the public and private sectors, with rigorous accountability and discipline on moving outcomes, this new initiative can improve the health and well-being of our most vulnerable learners.”
Cheri L. Walter, Chief Executive Officer, Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities:
“We applaud Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague and his team for establishing the ResultsOHIO fund. The ResultsOHIO fund will provide a unique opportunity to support the development of innovative solutions to pressing health challenges. We look forward to working with Ohio Treasurer Sprague to implement the ResultsOHIO program and leverage resources for community-based substance use disorder services and supports. We know that treatment works and people recover. Now we must continue working on all fronts to enhance access to programs and services throughout our state that make recovery a reality for individuals and families in need.”
The ResultsOHIO fund will support pay for success initiatives championed by the Executive Branch and General Assembly to address challenges facing Ohio. By leveraging the fund, Ohio can direct its efforts towards initiatives that are proven effective before a single taxpayer dollar is invested.
Private entities enlisted to address these challenges bear all upfront costs of services provided through the duration of a particular project. Performance measurements will be agreed to in a contract prior to the start of any project and used to gauge the project’s success. Public dollars reserved in the ResultsOHIO fund will be used to reimburse private entities for project costs only if the completed initiative has proven to meet the performance measurements identified in the contract.
State Senator Steve Wilson and State Representative Don Manning introduced legislation last week to create the fund, which would be administered by the Treasurer of State’s office.
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