Village of Crestline Joins
COLUMBUS – Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague today announced that the Village of Crestline (Crawford County) has joined
“ is a streamlined, single resource for taxpayers to find government spending information at the state and local levels,” said Treasurer Sprague. “We are proud to welcome the Village of Crestline as our newest Ohio Checkbook partner and provide residents with a direct look at how their tax dollars are spent.”
The Village of Crestline is the 7th government entity in Crawford County to join The village’s online checkbook includes more than 8,500 individual transactions that represent over $8.2 million in spending from January 17, 2017 through January 29, 2019. was launched in June 2020. The new transparency website combined (previously administered by the Treasurer’s office) and Ohio’s Interactive Budget (previously operated by the Office of Budget and Management) to create a single, one-stop resource for taxpayers to learn more about spending at the state and local levels of government.
By streamlining website administration, eliminating duplication, and reducing overall operating costs, will keep government transparency at taxpayers’ fingertips for years to come
You can learn more about the Village of Crestline by visiting their page on the Ohio Checkbook.To access another local government website, visit the Local Government & Schools page on
Robert Sprague became Ohio’s 49th Treasurer of State on January 14, 2019, bringing to the office his extensive experience working on financial matters in both the public and private sectors. Under Treasurer Sprague’s direction, the office manages the state’s $29 billion investment and $11 billion debt portfolios, collects and deposits all state revenues, and oversees custodial assets.