Enhanced Savings for Homebuyers

The Treasurer’s office is committed to helping more Ohioans achieve the dream of owning a home. We’re doing this by putting the strength of the state’s balance sheet to work for prospective homebuyers across the Buckeye State.

In collaboration between the offices of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Treasurer Sprague, Ohio Homebuyer Plus creates specialized, tax-advantaged savings accounts to assist Ohioans on their homebuying journey. Individuals who open an account will have access to above-market interest rates and may also qualify for certain Ohio state income tax deductions.


    • To qualify for enhanced interest savings through an Ohio Homebuyer Plus account, an eligible accountholder must:
      • be a resident of the State of Ohio
      • be at least 18 years of age
      • have a primary residence in the State of Ohio
      • only use the account proceeds toward the down payment or closing costs of a home purchase in Ohio
    • Accounts connected with Ohio Homebuyer Plus must be used within five years, maintain a minimum balance of at least $100, and cannot exceed a maximum balance of $100,000.


    • Prospective homebuyers work with a participating bank or credit union to apply for a savings account through Ohio Homebuyer Plus.
    • If all eligibility criteria are met, the application is approved.
    • The Ohio Treasurer's office will make a deposit at a below-market rate with the bank or credit union.
    • The bank or credit union uses the interest generated by the Ohio Treasurer's deposit to provide the accountholder with an enhanced interest rate on their savings account.
    • Contributions by the homebuyer, family members, or others may be tax deductible from the contributor's Ohio income tax.

    Current Net Premium Interest Rate - 3.11%

    The Net Premium Interest Rate is the enhanced interest rate available through the Ohio Treasurer’s office and may vary by financial institution. The Net Premium Interest Rate is updated on a quarterly basis.


      • Participating Financial Institutions
        • Financial institutions located in the State of Ohio that wish to participate in the Ohio Homebuyer Plus program should email [email protected] to obtain more information.
      • Ohio Homebuyer Plus Participation Statement
        • Any applicant seeking to open an enhanced interest savings account through Ohio Homebuyer Plus must review, understand, and adhere to the terms outlined in the program's Participation Statement. Upon opening an account, an applicant is required to attest to having read the Participation Statement. We encourage all applicants to carefully review the document prior to opening an account through the program.
      • Ohio Homebuyer Plus Frequently Asked Questions

      • For more information about Ohio Homebuyer Plus, contact us by phone at 1-800-228-1102 or by email at [email protected]